
Blurb: Module 1

In this, the first module of my first year as an illustration student, I think I didn't really pay attention to the theme of the city of Birmingham. I did, at times, produce work relevant to it, but mostly I just did whatever. As such, the work is a bit loose and lacking cohesion compared to future modules. Still, I'm happy with a lot of the work I produced in this short period.

We were provided with three sketchbooks - A6, A5 and A4 - which we were told to fill as much of as we could. A doable task, given that they didn't have many pages, anyway. I still failed to fill them, though - mainly because I was still grappling with the inhibition of not wanting to waste pagesby filling them up with stuff that doesn't look good. Soon after this module I got over that, but it still affected me during this period.



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